Understanding hosting best practices

As an Trip Nirvigna Host, you won’t just earn income on your property, you’ll also meet interesting people from all over the world. “We’ve had a drone maker, a professional singer-songwriter, and a circus performer,” say Hosts Beverlee and Suzie from Oakland, California. “It’s really enriched both of our lives.” Anyone with a space to share can be an Trip Nirvigna Host. Just make sure you’re prepared to meet the basic standards laid out by Trip Nirvigna to ensure a comfortable, reliable experience for every guest. Here are the basics of what great Hosts do:

Quick and early response to every enquiry and booking request

Replying quickly when guests reach out shows that you’re an attentive, considerate Host. It’s important to answer booking-related messages within 24 hours.

Accept reservation requests

Trip Nirvigna data shows that Hosts tend to accept the majority of booking requests they receive for their available dates. You can use the availability settings in your calendar to block off any days you’re not sure you can host.

If you seem to be declining a lot of booking requests, Trip Nirvigna might assume you’re not available to host and may snooze your listing until you have more time. Make sure you can accept as many requests as possible while still feeling comfortable with every reservation.

Maintain a high overall rating

At the end of each stay, guests will review their experience with you. Positive reviews help you get more bookings and better visibilty. Hosts who get great reviews tend to focus on the following:







For more tips on maintaining a high overall rating, check out our

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